.r002 September 12

As may noticed, this blog was moved to full static pages, thanks to Jekyll , the fantastic page generator.

As well, this procedure also evolves ruby stuffs, which cost about half and day for a newbie like me to sort all these things out. Trying to list all the problems I met below, 所谓以儆效尤啊, lol:

rvm things, so following the topic in last article, version thing does cost a lot of time to deal with. At first, I would like to think that put

rvm list

should list all ruby versions in the system, also include the version that come that from the system. But actually it’s NOT. so use this:

rvm system
ruby -v 
ruby 1.8.7 (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [universal-darwin11.0]


For import textpattern blog posts to Jekyll, this part is pretty funny though. First, you’ll need to copy the import utility(textpattern.rb) to local disk, and use the ruby file to import all you posts. Grab the open_gem to meet the prerequisite:

gem install open_gem


gem open jekyll

On my laptop, this will let vim to open the package structure, open that file and save it into wherever you want. then import data from txp database

ruby -r './_import/textpattern.rb' -e 'Jekyll::TextPattern.process("database_name", "username", "password", "hostname")'

This file’s operation could be tricky, it’s database name was hard coded as “textpattern”, in my previous environment, the database name is txp_textpattern, so be aware of that. And also you may need add a new line

include 'yaml'

in the rb file, cause I met this problem.


.r001 September 10

So, start learning ruby, maybe more proper to use RoR(definitely sure that, Hansson or someone else get the abbreviation inspiration from lol, or maybe not).
First day, meet something frustrating, following logs when trying to access the welcome aboard page:

Please install the sqlite3 adapter: `gem install activerecord-sqlite3-adapter` (can't activate sqlite3 (~> 1.3.4), already activated sqlite3-1.3.3. Make sure all dependencies are added to Gemfile.)
/Users/[user]/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@rails3/gems/activerecord-3.1.0/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_specification.rb:71:in `rescue in establish_connection'

Googled this message around (also on stackoverflow, lol), no findings. At last, changing the sqlite3 gem version to 1.3.4 actually did the trick, which original content generated by rails 3.1.0 is:

gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.3', :group => :development

After playing with this for some time, off the top of my head: WTF, don’t they guys find that the whole version things does messed people around? Hope will learn the story behind this in the future.

August 31

写这篇之前我一直再找个先前再推特上看到的纯文字界面编辑器,有时候完全是为工具所困,没有类打字机环境又不会死咯。如果有人指着我鼻头骂:你完全是为了显摆而显摆,哈,没错,that’s pretty much all of me。
直到看到 这篇 之前,我还是想抱着无聊的态度来继续抱怨两句。在 tw 待了段时间之后,除了感受天朝文字历史之悠长两岸各圈之一般黑外,就是身心的无以为继。 呜,这几个月脑袋就没有这么高速运转过。 前段时间话题很多的 crush notifier,我很想坦白的对一个人说,俺喜欢你。为什么 TM 的要通过这中介,为什么要在 facebook 上 in a relationship with someone。(虽然在社交网络里这段子确实挺有意思)。
