无题(七) October 26

没什么好说的,自从回来之后,GFW的影子便无处不在,好好的网络不停的reset。真使人挺无奈的。更让人无奈的事实是:不论是什么内容放到互联网上都能形成对骂,quite magical。

.r003 September 16

After the using rb file to import the posts from Textpattern, which I find a little bit tricky is that all posts’ detailed post time kinda lost, like original post time is “Mar 15th, 2011 21:59:00”, only the date were available exists, but the detail hour/minute got lost, kinda pity.

And for Jekyll part, I personally cloned this repository , it definitely meet regular requirement for blogging. But if the pagination is a demand, add this line in _config.yml

paginate: 3

3 is the number of posts for each page. More information could be grab from here . See? It is in the wiki! But you can’t find it on the wiki’s home page.

On jekyll’s page structure, basically, it start from the index.html in the root container, and uses the file _layout folder. Extremely like what I have in Textpattern :)

And for code highlighting, pygments is great, and also which is part of github’s default setting(github uses jekyll --pygments --safe), you may need put pygments: true in _config.xml. Pygments does a bit slow

Well, I always said to myself, leave it tomorrow, you’ll have time to do it. In my face: I already forget details that have been done in this setup…