
So, start learning ruby, maybe more proper to use RoR(definitely sure that, Hansson or someone else get the abbreviation inspiration from lol, or maybe not).
First day, meet something frustrating, following logs when trying to access the welcome aboard page:

Please install the sqlite3 adapter: `gem install activerecord-sqlite3-adapter` (can't activate sqlite3 (~> 1.3.4), already activated sqlite3-1.3.3. Make sure all dependencies are added to Gemfile.)
/Users/[user]/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@rails3/gems/activerecord-3.1.0/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/abstract/connection_specification.rb:71:in `rescue in establish_connection'

Googled this message around (also on stackoverflow, lol), no findings. At last, changing the sqlite3 gem version to 1.3.4 actually did the trick, which original content generated by rails 3.1.0 is:

gem 'sqlite3', '1.3.3', :group => :development

After playing with this for some time, off the top of my head: WTF, don’t they guys find that the whole version things does messed people around? Hope will learn the story behind this in the future.

10 Sep 2011