Ah…, 日子过的太废话了
一个两个三四个 April 30
好吧,非诚勿扰作为个综艺节目确实挺有意思的。近几期有个女嘉宾雷庆瑶造了不少舆论,也的确是根据雷庆瑶自己的情况按照常见的套路:励志、感动作为关键词做宣传。对此到没有任何可以指责的( 指责?博主你个脑残 )。只是在雷庆瑶同学每每在别人给予认可或者想给她解围时,都尝试以『我很坚强,blah,blah』 的方式来说明自己的坚韧,自己能行的。同学,完全没必要这样啊,这种情况即使是表现的柔弱一点问题都没有好吗?我们都是 human being 嘛,不是在演励志电影。想到 SP 有一集,Stan 想帮助一黑人同学,黑人同学一直没给面子:你根本不了解我。最后 Stan 反映过来:Yes,I don’t understand at all。 每个人在评论的时候是要有个态度,但最好还是不要将对象先假设在某个角色和立场上再将评论吧。
Awesome quotes from Tiny Tower March 31
Aha,I’m not a spammer anyway.
ps: Tiny tower’s wiki is awesome —> : http://tinytowerwiki.com/
- A. Knight: Have you ever wondered we all exist inside a computer simulation?
- Sherry Bailey: I believe that we were all born out of a little app icon. I know, sounds nuts.
- Stacy Hunt: A life? Cool! Where do I download one of those?
- Dianne Weaver: WOW! Just saw someone that had to be at least 20 pixels tall!
- Alex Wright: Sometimes I wish I had more resolution.
- S. Hamilton: Lost my contact! Everyone look for a clear pixel on the floor.
- Stacy Hunt(again!): Scientists have discovered sub-pixels! Mind-Boggling!
- Clyde Silva: Sometimes I get the feeling that we are being watched.
- Catherine Gary: I know I’m paranoid, but am I paranoid enough?
Almost about saying those words to the girl…